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View Full Version : WOW!! What an great web site!!

May 2nd, 2012, 02:40 AM
I recently returned from my first Texas Star Party (AWESOME!!!) where I first learned about Deep Sky Forum. After I got back from TSP I had to get caught up on work and sleep, so I didn't get a chance to look up the website. A few days later as I'm walking around NEAF I bump into Jimi Lowrey and Dragan and get more encouragement to check out the forum. So after I got home from NEAF I logged on and registered. Let me just say THIS SITE IS WAY COOL!! As I browse the different forums I keep coming across all kinds of great objects being discussed, and I can't wait to start checking them out in the eyepiece. All these great objects to observe and we're going into full moon.:angry: But seriously, keep up the good work, this is a wonderful website. I know it will be of great assistance and add enjoyment to my observing experience. I hope as time goes on I can give back and add to it in a positive way.


Josh Wright

Jimi Lowrey
May 2nd, 2012, 03:27 AM
Welcome to DSF Josh glad to see you here.

May 3rd, 2012, 05:25 AM
Hi Josh,

It was great meeting you and your wife at NEAF. Thanks for stopping by the booth! And more importantly, thanks for signing up here at DSF!
