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View Full Version : PGC 1536, the little brother of IC 4617

Bertrand Laville
October 11th, 2020, 09:03 AM
Hi All,

Most of us know about IC 4617, the small galaxy embedded in the background of M13.
But have you heard about PGC 1536, that gets quite the same pattern in 47 Tuc ?

Both galaxies are hidden behind a bright globular cluster. Moreover, they are equally distant from two bright objects: M13 / NGC 6207, and NGC 104 / NGC 121 !
Both are edge on, very small, and very faint, m15.4V and 16.3V.
Isn't it strange ?

Here is two DSS images of them; and you can have more details about how PGC 1536 can be seen at http://www.deepsky-drawings.com/pgc-1536/dsdlang/fr

Clear sky


Steve Gottlieb
October 18th, 2020, 07:08 PM
Thanks for mentioning this challenge object, Bertrand. I've seen 47 Tuc numerous times from the southern hemisphere (in some large scopes) and never looked for PGC 1536. But it would be hard to tear my eyes away from the magnificence of 47 Tuc!