View Full Version : Twitter feeds

January 2nd, 2013, 09:53 PM
Hi everyone,

I wanted to inform the group, and particularly Tweeters, that both Deep Sky Forum and Dark Skies Apparel are now on Twitter!

Being that Twitter is new to us, we have alot to learn about this wonderful form of social media. But over time we believe that Twitter can make DSF even better than it is today. We know of no other astronomical forum that is utilizing the power of Twitter, so this is very exciting for us.

So if you're a Tweeter, or even just thinking of signing up, please follow us!

DeepSkyForum can be followed at @deepskyforum
DarkSkiesApparel can be followed at @darkskiesappare ​(no L)

And of course, we hope for some feedback. Let us know what you think!

Dragan & Jimi