View Full Version : The "Amateur Deep Field"

Jimi Lowrey
February 26th, 2013, 05:38 PM
Dose anyone know if anyone has observed all the objects in The "Amateur Deep Field" by Wolfgang Steinicke ?

It looks like a very challenging project.


Jimi Lowrey
March 26th, 2013, 05:27 AM
I started observing the galaxies in the "Amateur Deep Field last dark time. I think it will take about two springs to see all the 1379 galaxies in Leo minor. Many of them are small fuzzy dim spots but some are interesting I will post some of the more interesting galaxies as I progress with the project. Here are a few from last dark time.

NGC 2859- 0923+3443- Mag 15.4- 488x
Big bright nice bar faint ring halo


PGC 27510-0938+3415-Mag 15.2- 375X
Fairly big bright quartering spiral with small galaxy with bright core off North end.


PGC 27243- 0934+3844- Mag 16.5- 488X
Fairly faint even glow T shaped peculiar


FGC 920- 0940+3452 Mag 17.0
Very small faint edge on near galaxy group interesting!


UGC 6063- 1058+2508- Mag 15.4- 488X
big fairly bright edge on with even glow in a triangle of stars Nice!


Jimi Lowrey
March 27th, 2013, 06:07 PM
Here are a few more interesting galaxies from the 255 that I observed in the "Amateur Deep Field" in the March dark time.

NGC 2942- 0939+3400- Mag 13.2- 488X
Large face on spiral low surface brightness tight arms (beautiful)


MAC 0936+3300- Mag 16.8- 488X
Small faint bright core very faint galaxy on North side (nice pair)


MAC 1056+3243- Mag 17.1- 488X
Small even glow fairly faint small galaxy North (peculiar looking)


UGC 6012 1053+2654- Mag16.0- 488X
Nice edge on even brightness no core (superthin?)