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View Full Version : Private messages

March 27th, 2013, 06:03 AM
It was brought to our attention that the the forums default notification of a received PM isn't really very effective. Near the top of the screen you'll see a "Notifications" link. Well it's next to that link a small number would appear to inform you that a PM has been sent to your inbox. The problem is that it's pretty inconspicuous and if you're not looking up there you may miss it. I've sent out several PMs only to be replied to several days later with invariably the reply commenting how they never even knew that we had a messaging system!

If you click on "settings" at the top of the screen, you'll go to your accounts settings screen. Along the left side about 3/4 of the way down, you'll come across general settings. Click on that and in there you can adjust notifications settings.

You can turn on email notifications of PMs. (default is off)
You can turn on a pop up notification of a received PM. (default is off)

Hope this helps!!

Ivan Maly
March 27th, 2013, 11:57 AM
It does help, Dragan, thank you.