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View Full Version : Longmore Triton 5 in LRGB

May 5th, 2013, 10:39 PM
This image was forgotten in the depth of my archives. All subframes were taken in January-February of 2012 and it was of great difficulty to me (processing ).. I just published it for some local friends and finally they convinced to me to present it widely..
LOTR5 is a relatively unknow bipolar (highest galactic latitude) and very low superficial bright planetary nebula . My personal challenge was to image it just using wide filters (LRGB ) and no narrowband filters ...I only had my old reliable STL11000 then with the internal filter wheel and the LRGBHa filters (no OIII..)...Second..I wanted to show the enviroment of LoTr5 with the myriads of tiny galaxies ..(Coma Berenices area..). Well... this is my modest contribution and maybe can be inspirational to others ... The teal color of this nebula is lovely ...(I guess)...

Equipment : ASA N12 astrograph ( 12” f/3.6 , 1087mm focal lenght), ASA DDM85 mount. All subframes were unguided. STL11000M at -20ºC
Luminance: 576 minutes R: 468m G:408m B:456m.. about 31 hours.

Link: http://afesan.es/Deepspace/slides/Longmore%20Triton5%20%202012.html
You can see the image clicking at 2300x1700 in highest resolution.

Some extra information : http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/content/347/4/1370.full

Thanks for looking.


June 6th, 2013, 01:44 PM
cool!do you have a space telescope?

July 1st, 2013, 05:49 PM
No..certainly not :)..
Just a little bit of patience and foolish....