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View Full Version : Curious DSS East of Ugc338. Known'Voorwerp or some other artifact?

September 22nd, 2013, 06:52 AM
In writing up my final observations for 30 or so objects (19 of which are globs) in M31 I had to use Aladin because megastar seems to not identify some globs. So while doing this I was looking near UGC338 (not really in M31 but was a target in that apparent field).

I noticed on the DSS a most curious half circle arc of similar diameter to length of UGC338. This Arc is bright as it touches the east end of Ugc338 and arcs both southward and east to form a half circle arc.

So my question to the 'Voorwerp experts' (of course Jimi) is if this has been identified as a 'Voorwerp' or is some other curious object?


Clear Skies
September 22nd, 2013, 08:26 AM

This is undoubtedly an image artefact. There are many in DSS images and quite a few are easily confused for real objects.
To verify genuine objects the way to proceed is to check other images taken at a different time and/or survey.



Jimi Lowrey
September 22nd, 2013, 05:47 PM

Here is the SDSS image of UGC 338.

Steve Gottlieb
September 23rd, 2013, 01:38 AM
I think UGC 338 is just outside the field in Jimi's image. Here's what shows up on the SDSS when I plug in the coordinates for UGC 338

I might as well throw in my visual notes on this object --

18" (12/8/07): at 260x appears an extremely faint, small, razor thin edge-on oriented E-W, ~18"x4". Located 2.7' N of a mag 10.5 star and 3.7' WSW of a similar star near the field of M31-G1. M31-G4 lies 3.7' SE.