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View Full Version : Observations of nearly the entire NGC!

Steve Gottlieb
September 29th, 2015, 04:10 AM
I wanted to announce that I've just updated my visual observing notes on nearly the entire NGC.

They are available at either Adventures in Deep Space (http://www.astronomy-mall.com/Adventures.In.Deep.Space/steve.ngc.htm) or the NGC/IC Project (http://www.ngcicproject.org/) (click on Team Members Databases). For some context, here's the introduction to the latest version of my notes.

Here are my observing notes for over 7200 NGC entries and an additional 785 IC entries - this is likely the most complete visual resource of NGC observations available online.

I began taking notes on the Messier objects using a 6" f/5 reflector in 1978 and three years later was exploring fainter NGCs with a 13.1" Odyssey I. The vast majority of my notes, though, were made using a 17.5" f/4.5 homemade dob (1987-2002) and an 18" f/4.3 Starmaster (2003-2011). Since 2012 I've used a 24" f/3.7 Starstructure (over 800 NGCs) as well as few hundred observations using Jimi Lowrey's 48" gigantic dobsonian from west Texas. In general, you'll find multiple observations of many NGCs through with a variety of apertures, so details can be compared.

In 2014, I completed a 35-year project - observing every NGC north of -41° declination from northern California. Deep southern objects have been observed with 18", 24" and 30" scopes during several weeklong trips to Australia and a 13" travel scope in Costa Rica. Only "missing" from completing the entire NGC (7840 entries) are a couple of hundred far southern objects that I'm hoping to observe in the next year during two more trips to Australia.

All of the NGC/IC identifications have been checked for historical accuracy as part of the NGC/IC Project. At the end of my visual observations of each NGC, I've included historical discovery information such as the observer's name, date, telescope, and the original discovery descriptions. Modern catalogues discrepancies and errors are also discussed.

I want to acknowledge the investigative work of Dr. Harold Corwin and Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke, who I've communicated with for many years on a number of identification problems. Harold Corwin provides precise positions and extensive historical notes on thousands of NGC and IC objects at http://haroldcorwin.net/ngcic/. Wolfgang Steinicke provides biographical information on 172 NGC/IC astronomers, as well as a number of historically accurate catalogues in .xls format on his web site at http://www.klima-luft.de/steinicke/index_e.htm. For those interesting in learning more on the history of the NGC, I highly recommend Wolfgang's book "Observing and Cataloguing Nebulae and Star Clusters".

September 29th, 2015, 04:20 AM
What an accomplishment!! Congrats Steve!

When and where does the champagne flow? :celebrate:

Steve Gottlieb
September 29th, 2015, 05:20 AM
Thanks, Dragan

If things go well, I may finish up the southern hemisphere next April in Coonabarabran. So maybe then!

Clear Skies
September 29th, 2015, 06:49 AM
Congratulations Steve! For the accomplishment and for being the first observer to log 'em all.

Passed the 40% mark myself, hoping to hit 50% next year. 438 IC's so far. I look forward to reading all of your notes and to compare observations. You have set quite an example!

September 29th, 2015, 07:08 AM
Great job, Steve! Thanks for making all your observations publicly available!

Howard B
September 29th, 2015, 04:56 PM
This is so very impressive Steve - we have to have some kind of party once you've observed the entire NGC!

Uwe Glahn
September 29th, 2015, 08:33 PM
Wow Steve, congrats for this huge and great work. And thanks for the publishing of this work, that helped generations of astronomers and will help next generations. I sign up for the party :)

October 1st, 2015, 06:36 PM
you are our guiding star, thank you for sharing your observations!

October 1st, 2015, 08:35 PM
you are our guiding star, thank you for sharing your observations!

I feel the same way! Hearty congratulations, Steve! This is absolutely amazing!

Clear Skies


October 7th, 2015, 06:58 PM
Congratulations steve and a ton of thanks for making your observations available for everyone !!