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View Full Version : Two new PN candidate observations

Jimi Lowrey
February 26th, 2012, 01:36 PM
I looked at these last night.

WEIN 92 AKA LEDA 16132


RA 04 50 18.7

DEC +41 54 42.9

The transparency was above average and the seeing was average for Fort Davis with high winds and strong gusts. I found the field at 375X and did not see any of the object at this power I bumped up the power to 488X and could see a very faint glow at the right position I could only see it with averted vision about 10% of the time. I then put on a NPB filter and got a good response the object was easy to see with direct vision at 488X. I tried a OIII, Sloan G ,UHC and CLS filter but the best view was with the NPB on a 10MM ZAO @ 488X. The scope was bouncing with the wind but it looked to be elongated with a fore ground star on one end. I did a field sketch of my visual impression and will post it later today.
This is my eyepiece sketch.



Ra13 03 40.8

DEC -45 37 23

I wanted to try this one it looked good on the DSS image. It was about two hours before it was to transit and the 48" scope was half below the wall of the observatory when I looked at it. This is a awesome and bright planetary it has a greenish looking core with a faint pale pink outer halo the core looks to be about 12" and is round the outer pale pink halo is faint and fuzzy looking It was easy to see at 375X I did not get to try a filter as the wind was really blowing and I had to quit. I want to try this planetary again the next time I am at the scope, be sure to put this one on you're list (its a keeper)! :-)