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View Full Version : Object of the Week Mar 4, 2012 - ROSE 16

Jimi Lowrey
March 4th, 2012, 05:09 PM
Rose 16

Canes Venatici

13 56 25
+28 31 38

Rose 16 A AKA CGCG 162-31 Mag 14.3 V Type E S0

Rose 16 B AKA CGCG 162-34 MAG 14.8 V Type SA

Rose 16 C AKA CGCG 162-33 MAG 15.5 V Type SD

Rose 16 D AKA CGCG 162-32 MAG 15.6 V Type E S0 AGN

If you are a fan of the Hickson catalog you are going to like this nice chain of four galaxies from the 1977 ApJ paper by James Rose " A Survey of Groups of Galaxies" This is his 16 galaxy group in his catalog and also its the second brightest of all. Dr Rose did his catalog when he was a visiting student at Kitt Peak.
Up in the North West of the image in brackets is a nice challenge Object to try for its the 17.1 V MAG Edge on galaxy 2MFGC 11247. If you see this one you will be in the company of very few who have seen this ghostly streak.

If you like this group I highly recommend that you go to my good friend Alvin Huey web site and down load his free observing guide of the Rose Catalog .

So the next time you are under a clear dark sky remember ROSE 16 and,



March 5th, 2012, 03:53 AM
Hey Jimi,

What a great group!! I'll definitely try for the 2Mass flat galaxy next time out!!

And thanks to Alvin for putting together that guide book!

March 10th, 2012, 04:22 AM
That ghostly streak looks like a really good challenge for my trusty old 20" at the upcoming TSP. Thanks Jimi, for pushing folks to improve their observing skills by tackling challenging objects.


20" f/5 Tectron
And other assorted doo-dads

Jimi Lowrey
March 10th, 2012, 04:41 AM
Welcome to DSF Gordon. I bet you get that ghostly streak at TSP. Let us know if you do.

April 13th, 2012, 09:26 PM
A brief synopsis of my notes from the other night....

11APR12 S/3 T/3 SQM 21.43

My first view of Rose 16. All 4 components visible in an evenly spaced orientation from 10 o'clock to 4 o'clock. 8 Ethos provided me 393x and framed all 4 galaxies nicely. Using my 7mm ortho (450x) & 6ortho (525x) did not reveal the 2MASS flat galaxy Jimi refers to in the original post.

May 25th, 2012, 10:52 PM
Copy/pasted from my Rose Compact Galaxy observing guide

22" (306 and 460x) - This chain of four roughly equidistant galaxies is about 6' long and PA = 120°. Starting on the west side this time as this is the brightest of the lot. The first galaxy, MCG+5-33-24, is a considerably faint round glow of about 20" across. Next in line is MCG+5-33-24A is a very faint small round glow. About 10" across. MCG+5-33-25 is a considerably faint 3:2 elongated glow. PA = 120° and 15" long. Last galaxy in the chain, MCG+5-33-26, is a considerably faint 2:1 elongated glow. PA = 135° and 20" long.