
Type: Posts; User: Ciel Extreme; Keyword(s):

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  1. I have an observation from September 15, 2014...

    I have an observation from September 15, 2014 from my backyard, using an 18" f/4.5 reflector at 207x, no filter used. Seeing was 6/10 and the NELM was 6.0:

    “This nebula is extremely faint and very...
  2. I have an observation from August 1, 1995(!) on a...

    I have an observation from August 1, 1995(!) on a night of average seeing conditions and a NELM of 6.0 at Sutton, Quebec. 15-inch f/5 Dobsonian at 146x:

    “This is a fairly faint galaxy, ill-defined...
  3. I have an observation from August 20, 2014 with...

    I have an observation from August 20, 2014 with an 18-inch reflector at 295x. The accompanying sketch was not scanned, though.

    “A crescent-shaped grouping of three bright stars marks this cluster...
  4. I have an observation with my 18"reflector at...

    I have an observation with my 18"reflector at 295x, March 18, 2021 from my backyard observatory, naked eye limiting magnitude +5.8:

    “Two of the galaxies (MCG-01-30-32 and MCG-01-30-33) are faint...
  5. I have an observation from 2008 (November 1) that...

    I have an observation from 2008 (November 1) that I made at the late, lamented New Mexico Skies with a 25-inch F/5 reflector which I believe was a Telekit. Regrettably, I don’t have a scan of the...
  6. Replies

    Great sketch!

    Great sketch!
  7. This is an observation from seven years ago in my...

    This is an observation from seven years ago in my backyard with an 18-inch Litebox telescope using a Baader Hyperion 10mm eyepiece for a magnification of 207x. Visual limiting magnitude was mag....
  8. Both “NGC 1258” and “NGC 1288” are southern...

    Both “NGC 1258” and “NGC 1288” are southern galaxies, and there is no “NGC 12588” as the NGC ends at 7840. Could you clarify which galaxy you are discussing?
  9. From home, this planetary scrapes along my...

    From home, this planetary scrapes along my southern horizon, but in October 2014 I made a trip down to Marathon Tx where I observed 122 objects over three nights; 121 of them were galaxies and IC5148...
  10. Replies

    Congratulations on a terrific accomplishment!...

    Congratulations on a terrific accomplishment! That catalogue is not for the faint of heart. I’ve not gone after Arps in any systematic way over the years but I’ve probably tracked down 150 or so......
  11. My notes from September 14, 2013 observing from...

    My notes from September 14, 2013 observing from my backyard (limiting magnitude +5.8) with an 18-inch Litebox at 295x:

    “This object is small, but pretty high in surface brightness; a well defined...
  12. Just a note that this interesting pair is...

    Just a note that this interesting pair is identified as “3Z52” in the first edition of Uranometria. In the second or all-sky edition, it is plotted using its MCG designation.
  13. Observation from two years ago, the observing...

    Observation from two years ago, the observing details with the sketch:

    “This is a bright, large and detailed object, very well seen at high magnification. The central star is bright (though unseen...
  14. Thread: WBL 258

    by Ciel Extreme

    WBL 258

    Here is a sketch of the WBL 258 galaxy group, usually identified as the NGC 3158 Galaxy Group. I was able to identify eleven galaxies in the field, but I may have seen the image of a twelfth,...
  15. From October 2008: NGC 1851 Columba Globular...

    From October 2008:

    NGC 1851
    Globular Cluster
    October 28, 2008
    03:30 MDT, 09:30 UT
    15-inch reflector, 272x
    NELM +6.5
    New Mexico Skies
  16. Replies

    Here in Canada, this object has been known and...

    Here in Canada, this object has been known and remarked upon for many years. My observing friends and I have always thought of the chain of stars as a stem and Stock 2 itself as a flower head. No one...
  17. I believe Arp 114 is actually NGC 2276 and NGC...

    I believe Arp 114 is actually NGC 2276 and NGC 2300 together, as they are under the heading: “Elliptical and Elliptical-like Galaxies close to and perturbing spirals” in Arp’s atlas.
  18. Replies

    Sticky: Did you look under the tarp yet?

    Did you look under the tarp yet?
  19. Replies

    Sticky: 22" F/3.3 Spica Eyes Slipstream telescope. What I...

    22" F/3.3 Spica Eyes Slipstream telescope. What I appreciate most about this telescope is its superb, super clean design... All encoders, motors, batteries (3 12-volt), slip clutches and SiTech...
  20. I have an observation of King 2 with an 18"...

    I have an observation of King 2 with an 18" reflector at 295x: “This extremely faint cluster is not well seen; an extremely faint nebulous glow is suspected south of a N/S pair of stars of mag. +14...
  21. I had a look at IC 1365 tonight, though the...

    I had a look at IC 1365 tonight, though the seeing alternated between bad and terrible and the transparency was average as well (stars naked eye to between +5.6 and +5.8). I wasn’t able to resolve...
  22. Replies

    Amazing observations, Jimi... you are the King of...

    Amazing observations, Jimi... you are the King of the Obscure!
  23. Replies

    May I add my congratulations as well, Ivan......

    May I add my congratulations as well, Ivan... maybe you’d like to consider doing John Herschel’s Slough discoveries next?
  24. Replies

    No British record, Timo - I’m Canadian, but I...

    No British record, Timo - I’m Canadian, but I don’t even think I have that here... there are some seriously good visual observers in Canada. I also like the Webb Society; I joined in ’93. I’ve been a...
  25. Replies

    Impressive totals, Timo, especially considering...

    Impressive totals, Timo, especially considering you probably do most of your observing from north of 55° latitude.
Results 1 to 25 of 81
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