
Type: Posts; User: Preston Pendergraft; Keyword(s):

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  1. Ever have one of those nights... where the object just isn't there and it should be!

    NGC 7479 & NGC 7814

    I was out observing two nights ago, and for some reason I just could not find these two. I know I was star hopping to the right place. I knew these were not really challenge...
  2. Gotcha, thanks for the replies. Those two moons...

    Gotcha, thanks for the replies. Those two moons are on my bucket observing list... someday I will bag them!
  3. Great observions Ivan!

    Great observions Ivan!
  4. Hi Steve, You mention Deimos being easy using...

    Hi Steve,

    You mention Deimos being easy using the occulting bar, do you think you could have caught it without it?
  5. I caught it last night, and it is still a nice...

    I caught it last night, and it is still a nice bright binocular comet.
  6. Wow. Awesome some folks have caught this one. I...

    Wow. Awesome some folks have caught this one. I had not even heard of it till I saw it on APOD.
  7. Planetary Neb PK 231+4.1 in Messier 46

    Came across this when looking at some older APODs, I couldn't remember hearing of this one. Did a Google search and found one observation. Thought I would throw this one out to the group!
  8. Kriegs Domino Asterism (in Double Cluster)

    Anyone observed this one. There's a small reference to it on Cloudy Nights and a Google search only pulls up that thread.

    A collection of stars that appears like a domino or dominos? Maybe 15th...
  9. I caught this globular by starhopping around M11....

    I caught this globular by starhopping around M11. It is an easy object with the 8in and 24mm eyepiece at 50X. Really cool this object has some history. I didn't see the planetary nebula, but didn't...
  10. Replies

    Sometimes names don't always make sense because...

    Sometimes names don't always make sense because we as visual observers don't see all the detail that the photos show. A good example is the Crab Nebula or the Eagle Nebula.
  11. Replies

    You can download all the issues of Deep Sky...

    You can download all the issues of Deep Sky magazine, just google Deep Sky Magazine download. I have them all and refer back to them from time to time.

    They are also fun to read to see the ads and...
  12. Replies

    Victor, Glad to see your site back up!

    Glad to see your site back up!
  13. Replies

    Not to get off on too much of a tangent, but how...

    Not to get off on too much of a tangent, but how safe is observing in some of those remote areas of Africa? I bet the skies are just incredible!
  14. Replies

    Al, I have been having lots of fun using the...

    I have been having lots of fun using the binos for both the DSOs and Doubles. I have been alternating each night between the scope and binos. I am fortunate to have an okay site about a mile...
  15. Replies

    Deep Sky Observing with Binos

    I got a new pair of 10x50 binos this month from Orion. I wanted them to do the Bino Deep Sky pin and Bino Double Star pin from the AL. Anyway in the process it has been really fun observing DSOs with...
  16. Great observing report!

    Great observing report!
  17. I read the article yesterday at lunch. It was a...

    I read the article yesterday at lunch. It was a good one. Great job Steve!
  18. Replies

    This is probably beyond the scope of this thread,...

    This is probably beyond the scope of this thread, but if G324 isn't a true globular cluster, what is it?
  19. That does sound nice. The times I have been out...

    That does sound nice. The times I have been out that way has been for the TSP. While
    the ranch is okay it is nice to explore the area. I imagine being in a home versus the bunk house or tent at the...
  20. Sounds like a great trip. There is a lot of fun...

    Sounds like a great trip. There is a lot of fun things to do around Ft Davis to occupy your day.
  21. How Many Of You Ever Owned A Coulter... back in the day

    I can say I had one... a 8in f/4.5 Odyssey 8 I got in junior high school, I sold golf balls to pay for a Telrad and eyepieces to use with it.

    The optics were terrible compared to scopes of today....
  22. Replies

    Dragan, The Astro League now has a sketching...

    The Astro League now has a sketching observing program. Just something to check out. Awesome M5 BTW!
  23. Victor, Try contacting Tom Clark at the New...

    Try contacting Tom Clark at the New Mexico Sky Village. He has a 48in that maybe he can hook you up with a contact. Also the co-owner of this site has a 48in and maybe he can steer you to a...
  24. Replies

    Car jumper battery pack? Those things are great,...

    Car jumper battery pack? Those things are great, pretty cheap and last a while. I got one for my now departed LX200GPS that I just sold for parts. I plan on keeping the battery in the car for safety....
  25. I just got a 14mm UWA 4000 series that I am...

    I just got a 14mm UWA 4000 series that I am excited to try out on my new dob. I never used on my LX or Nexstar, but now I am going back to dobs I see it getting a lot of use.
Results 1 to 25 of 104
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