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  1. Object of the Week September 1, 2024 – NGC 4125 & NGC 4121

    NGC 4125; UGC 7118; PGC 38524; CGCG 315-019; CGCG 1205.6+6527; MCG +11-15-027
    Constellation: Draco
    Type: Galaxy
    Morphology: E6 pec
    RA: 12h 08m 06s
    Dec: +65° 10’ 27”
    Mag: 9.7(v)
    SB: 13.3...
  2. Object of the Week June 2, 2024 – CN 3-1 & CN 2-1 A (Partial) Tale of the Cannon Catalog

    Cannon (Cn) 3-1, PK 038+12.1, PN G038.2+12.0, VV 171
    Constellation: Ophiuchus
    Type: Planetary Nebula
    RA: 18h 18m 41s
    Dec: +10°09’44”
    Mag: 13.5(v)
    Size: 0.1' x 0.1'

    Cannon (Cn) 2-1, PK...
  3. Object of the Week March 10, 2024 – Tiny and Super-Thin in Coma Berenices

    NGC 4147, PGC 38669
    Constellation: Coma Berenices
    Type: Globular Cluster
    RA: 12h 10m 06s
    Dec: +18° 32’ 33”
    Mag: 10.31
    Size: 4.4'

    UGC 7170, PGC 38748, MCG 3-31-55
    Constellation: Coma...
  4. Object of the Week Dec 17, 2023 – NGC 404 Mirach's Ghost

    NGC 404, MCG+06-03-018, UGC 718, Mirach’s Ghost, Lost Pearl Galaxy, Comet Komorowski
    Constellation: Andromeda
    Type: Dwarf Lenticular Galaxy (S0)
    RA: 01h 09m 27s
    Dec: +35° 43’ 04”
    Mag: 10.3
  5. Object of the Week September 24, 2023 – The Heart and Soul Complex

    Heart Nebula, IC 1805, Running Dog Nebula, Sharpless 2-190
    Constellation: Cassiopeia
    Type: Emission Nebula
    RA: 02h 33m 22s
    Dec: +61°26’36”
    Mag: 6.5
    Size: 150' x 150'

    Soul Nebula, Westerhout...
  6. Object of the Week July 2, 2023 - NGC 6578 (with interactive 3D model)

    NGC 6578, ESO 590-12, PK 010-01 1, PN VV' 376, PN VV 163, PN Sa 2-322, PN G010.8-01.8, Hen 2-381
    Type: Planetary Nebula
    Con: Sagittarius
    RA: 18h 16m 16.5s
    Dec: ?20° 27? 0.0?
    Mag(v): 12.9...
  7. Object of the Week April 9, 2023 – Messier 3

    Messier 3, NGC 5272

    Constellation: Canes Venatici
    Type: Globular Cluster
    RA: 13h 43m 16s
    DEC: +28° 15’ 38”
    Mag(v): 6.2
    Size: 18’

    NGC 5272, also known as Messier 3, is a globular cluster...
  8. Object of the Week January 15, 2023 - NGC 2683 UFO Galaxy

    NGC 2683, MCG+06-20-011, UGC 4641, PGC 24930, UFO Galaxy
    Type: Galaxy SA(rs)b
    Constellation: Lynx
    RA: 8h 52m 42s
    DEC: +33° 25’ 18”
    Mag(v): 9.8
    Size: 8.4’ x 2.4’
    SB: 12.9

    Earlier this...
  9. Object of the Week October 23, 2022 – NGC 6741 Phantom Streak Nebula

    NGC 6741, Jonckheere 475, PK 033-02 1, PN Sa 2-380, PN G033.8-02.6, Phantom Streak Nebula
    Type: Planetary Nebula
    Constellation: Aquila
    RA: 19h 02m 37.1s
    DEC: -00° 26’ 56.7"
    Mag(v): 11.4
  10. Object of the Week July 31, 2022 - NGC 6624

    NGC 6624, vdB-Ha 262, Mel 199, C1820-303, Bennett 109, GCL 93
    Type: Globular Cluster
    Constellation: Sagittarius
    RA: 18h 23m 40.5s
    DEC: -30° 21’ 40"
    Mag(v): 7.6
    Size: 8.8’

    The constellation...
  11. Object of the Week May 8, 2022 - NGC 4725 TIE Fighter Galaxy

    NGC 4725, UGC 7989, CGCG 129-027, MCG +04-30-022
    Constellation: Coma Berenices
    Type: Peculiar Mixed Spiral Galaxy
    Classification: SAB(r)ab pec
    RA: 12h 50.4m
    DEC: 25° 30'
    Mag: 9.4v
    Size: 11.0'...
  12. Object of the Week February 13, 2022 - NGC 6791 Platais’ Oddball

    NGC 6791, Berkeley (Be) 46
    Platais’ Oddball

    Constellation: Lyra
    Type: Open Cluster
    Class: Trumpler Type I 2 r
    RA: 19h 20m 53.2s
    Dec: +37° 46m 19s
    Mag: 9.5v
    Diameter: 8.2’ x 8.2’
  13. Object of the Week November 21, 2021 - NGC 7789 Caroline’s Rose

    NGC 7789, Melotte 245
    Caroline’s Rose, Caroline’s Haystack, Herschel’s Spiral Cluster, Crab Cluster, Screaming Skull Cluster

    Constellation: Cassiopeia
    Type: Open Cluster
    Class: Trumpler type II...
  14. Interacting Galaxy System KPG 592 (NGC 7769, NGC 7770, NGC 7771)

    Constellation: Pegasus

    NGC 7769, UGC 12808, MRK 9005
    Type: Galaxy, AGN LINER
    Morphology: (R)SA(rs)b
    RA: 23h 51.1m
    Dec: +20° 09’ 01”
    Mag: 12.0v
    SB: 12.8
    Size: 1.6’x 1.6’
  15. Object of the Week June 6, 2021 – NGC 5694 A Foster Son of the Galactic Halo

    NGC 5694
    Type: Globular Cluster
    Constellation: Hydra
    RA: 14h 39m 36.6s
    Dec: -26° 32’ 18”
    Mag: 10.2
    Diam: 4.3’

    A rather visually non-descript globular cluster has played a key role with...
  16. Public Webinar - March 18, 2021: Monsters in the Cosmos

    Ohio State Astronomy and Astrophysics is pleased to announce that we will have our next public webinar,
    featuring Professor Laura Lopez + a black hole panel, all about the supermassive black hole in...
  17. Object of the Week March 14, 2021 – HCG (Hickson) 44 and Arp 316

    Hickson 44a NGC 3190 (Arp 316)
    Constellation: Leo
    Type: Galaxy Sa(s)a pec
    RA: 10h 18m
    DEC: +21° 49'
    Mag(B): 11.9
    Size: 3.6’ x 1.3’

    Hickson 44b NGC 3193 (Arp 316)
    Constellation: Leo
  18. Object of the Week December 20, 2020 - A Desert Full of Galaxies – LGG 27

    Object of the Week December 20, 2020 - A Desert Full of Galaxies – LGG 27

    Constellation: Cetus

    NGC 584, IC 1712, PGC 5663, MCG-1-4-60
    Type: Lenticular Galaxy (S0)
    RA: 01h 32.3m
    DEC: -6° 46'...
  19. Object of the Week October 11, 2020 - The Wizard

    Sharpless 142, Sh2-142, LBN 511
    Constellation: Cepheus
    Type: Diffuse Emission Nebula
    RA: 22h 47.5m
    DEC: -58° 03'
    Size: 35.0’ x 18.5’

    NGC 7380, Cr 452, Lund 1022, OCl 244, Mrk 48...
  20. Object of the Week August 2, 2020 – Barnard 92 “Black Hole”

    Object of the Week August 2, 2020 – Barnard 92 “Black Hole”

    Barnard 92, LDN 323
    Constellation: Sagittarius
    Type: Dark Nebula
    Opacity: 6 (1-6, 6=darkest)
    RA: 18h 15m 30s
    DEC: -18° 11' 0"...
  21. Object of the Week May 24, 2020 – Arp 90

    Object of the Week May 24, 2020 – Arp 90

    NGC 5929, VV823, UGC 9851, PGC 55076, MCG+07-32-006
    Constellation: Boötes
    Type: Sab pec
    Class: Seyfert 2 galaxy
    RA: 15h 26m 6.2s
    DEC: +41° 40' 12.6"...
  22. Object of the Week March 15, 2020 – NGC 4559, H II Regions and the LBV

    Object of the Week March 15, 2020 – NGC 4559, H II Regions and the LBV

    NGC 4559 UGC 07766 CGCG 159-024 CGCG 1233.4+2814 MCG +05-30-030
    Constellation: Coma Berenices
    Class: Mixed Spiral...
  23. Object of the Week January 5, 2020 – Arp 82

    Object of the Week January 5, 2020 – Arp 82

    NGC 2535, Arp 82A, UGC 4262, PGC 22957, MCG+04-20-004, VV 9a
    Constellation: Cancer
    Class: Spiral
    Type: Sc
    RA: 08h 11m 13.5s
    DEC: +25° 12' 25"...
  24. Object of the Week October 27, 2019 - The Pinwheel Treasures

    Object of the Week October 27, 2019 - The Pinwheel Treasures
    Constellation: Triangulum

    H II Regions
    RA: 01h 33.8m DEC: +30° 45’
    RA: 01h 34.1m DEC: +30° 48’
    IC 135, A100
    RA: 01h...
  25. Object of the Week August 18, 2019 - NGC 6826 The Blinking Planetary

    NGC 6826, PK 083+12.1, PN G083.5+12.7
    Type: Planetary Nebula
    Constellation: Cygnus
    RA: 19h 44m 48.2s
    DEC: +50° 31’ 30”
    Mag: 8.8
    Size: 27” x 24”
    Mag (central star): 10.4

    High in the...
Results 1 to 25 of 112
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