
Type: Posts; User: mdstuart; Keyword(s):

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  1. Owen I have looked at a number of these...


    I have looked at a number of these galaxies. I first looked at NGC 3998 with my 10 inch skywatcher back in 2011 and noted it as a faint circular galaxy near to NGC 3990 which was oval in...
  2. I observed this galaxy last night in my 16 inch...

    I observed this galaxy last night in my 16 inch Dob here in my suburban mag 5 location. The galaxy was very faint and tough to pick out even with averted vision but I was pleased to spot it.

  3. NGC 1023 is a lovely galaxy. I have seen it with...

    NGC 1023 is a lovely galaxy. I have seen it with direct vision in my 100mm binoculars. I sometimes start a session by looking at this galaxy as my eyes adjust..

    Its in the same group of galaxies...
  4. Thread: NGC 1265

    by mdstuart

    Mark Just looked at Ngc 1265. I thought I...


    Just looked at Ngc 1265. I thought I could not see the galaxy but then realised that the star with the faint halo was the object. I think that the core is not bright but the bright dot at the...
  5. Replies

    Very interesting read. Perhaps we should set up a...

    Very interesting read. Perhaps we should set up a galaxy observers event for all of us to get together once in our lifetime and look through some >24 inch dobs.

    Well I am just 50 and started...
  6. Replies

    Well done Norman. I observed this area a while...

    Well done Norman. I observed this area a while back with my 16 inch in mag 5 skies. I could only pick out NGC 68 and NGC 71 with averted vision. I tried for the others but could not get them. I...
  7. I saw this with my old 10 inch scope. My notes...

    I saw this with my old 10 inch scope. My notes say Very faint misty glow around three stars.

    Will have to go back again with my 16 inch.

  8. Thank you Steve and Howard for your responses to...

    Thank you Steve and Howard for your responses to my OOTW.

    I am now inspired to look for other less well known targets.

  9. I had another go at this one the other night. I...

    I had another go at this one the other night. I struggled to see any galaxies in my old 10 inch other than NGC 3158. With my 16 inch I did much better.

    NGC 3158 was very bight and obvious. I...
  10. I had a go with my 16 inch scope at this one. I...

    I had a go with my 16 inch scope at this one. I could see one of the two stars left of the globular cluster in the DSS blue image above but I could not say I definitely observed Palomar 2.

  11. I looked at this galaxy back in April 2010 with a...

    I looked at this galaxy back in April 2010 with a 10 inch scope. It looked like an edge on galaxy so I am presuming I could just see the bar.

    I must go back and try again with my 16 inch scope.
  12. I saw NGC 1600 a while back in my 10 inch scope....

    I saw NGC 1600 a while back in my 10 inch scope. I needed averted vision to pick it up. It is relatively low down for me here in the UK which does make quite a difference at my location.

    My notes...
  13. Thread: NGC 891

    by mdstuart

    Update....I recently observed NGC 898 which is...

    Update....I recently observed NGC 898 which is just to the west of NGC 891.

    It is an exquisite edge on like 891 but much further away. It was an easy catch in my 16 inch.

    So next time you...
  14. My notes from 2012 with my trusty 10 inch stated...

    My notes from 2012 with my trusty 10 inch stated NGC 7137 was only just visible with averted vision. I observed it in a 8mm Hyperion lens.

    I picked up a faint mag 14.7 field star to the N of the...
  15. Evening Had a go at this pair tonight in my 16...


    Had a go at this pair tonight in my 16 inch scope (Grab and go dob by the standard of the monster scopes you guys have!).

    I managed to pick up the brighter UGC12914 with averted vision...
  16. Fabulous, thanks for sharing although it makes me...

    Fabulous, thanks for sharing although it makes me want to get an upgrade from my 16 inch scope.

  17. Must go back

    Very interesting object.

    My notes from 2010 with a 10 inch state that structure was hinted at with high power.

    So I must go back with the 16 inch and try to see the heart shape!

    Thanks for...
  18. Pair of galaxies just to the left of Jupiter

    Last night I was out observing a pair of galaxies which are currently in CNC to the left of Jupiter.

    NGC 2794/5 are both about 390 million light years away according to their redshift.

  19. Replies

    Thank you Ivan for your notes, reading them...

    Thank you Ivan for your notes, reading them brings back memories of the view.

    Love your blog. Sounds like your skies are better than mine which allow me to see mag 5.5 stars overhead but anything...
  20. Replies

    Ngc 4389 / 4392

    Good morning

    I was out last night despite the half moon! My estimate is that I lose 0.5m with a half moon. What do you think?

    I observed some galaxies in Leo and Cvn...My favourite of the night...
  21. Thread: NGC 891

    by mdstuart

    Thanks UWE for your experience with this one.

    Thanks UWE for your experience with this one.
  22. Replies

    Hi Robin I also enjoy hunting the faint stuff....

    Hi Robin

    I also enjoy hunting the faint stuff. I am particularly interested in observing galaxies.

  23. Thread: NGC 891

    by mdstuart

    Thanks for the feedback. I was out again tonight...

    Thanks for the feedback. I was out again tonight and I have found another low sbr edge on which I have struggled to find in the past. It is NGC 4217. It is near M 106 and looks superb in images but I...
  24. Thread: NGC 891

    by mdstuart

    NGC 891

    I have always found this a hard galaxy to see.

    I finally managed it with low power in a 10 inch reflector with averted vision.

    Anyway I was in Cornwall in the sw of England with my 100mm...
Results 1 to 24 of 24