
Type: Posts; User: Jimi Lowrey; Keyword(s):

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  1. Thread: HaTr 10

    by Jimi Lowrey

    Keith that is impressive. It is almost invisible...

    Keith that is impressive. It is almost invisible on the Poss 2 Blue image and also really dim on the PanSTARRS image server.
  2. Fantastic drawing Uwe I had forgotten that we...

    Fantastic drawing Uwe I had forgotten that we observed it in the beautiful Alps together.
  3. Object of The Week August 25th 2024-Wilson’s Object

    Wilson’s Object AKA MAC 0148+2733,PGC 6632,CGCG482-17
    RA 01 48 35
    DEC +27 32 54
    MAG 15.3 SDSS G&R 15.5
    Type Edge on Galaxies
    Hi all I am posting for Mark Friedman...
  4. I looked at this object Friday night under less...

    I looked at this object Friday night under less than optimal conditions. The transparency was sub par due to smoke. The seeing was good so I was able to use high power. At 1040x the pair looked like...
  5. Akarsh enhanced a PanStarrs g band Image that...

    Akarsh enhanced a PanStarrs g band Image that show the knot that I have been seeing over the last several nights. Last night I tried a Sloan G filter and it made the knot easier to see. It is...
  6. Observation of Dracula’s Chivito (IRAS 23077+6707

    Dracula’s Chivito
    IRAS 23077+6707
    RA 23 09 43
    DEC +67 23 40
    Type Protoplanetary Disk
    Early this morning just before the start of astronomical twilight I observed the...
  7. Hi Scott I enjoyed your OOTW. I am on the road...

    Hi Scott I enjoyed your OOTW. I am on the road traveling to GSSP. I am looking forward to trying your object with the 48” when I get back home in Texas.
  8. Object of The Week June 9, 2024—NGC 5331 (Fox Eyes)

    NGC 5331 AKA VV 253
    13 52 11
    +02 05 55
    Mag 13.8
    Type interaction
    I was observing with Akarsh this week and was looking at my old Uranometria and came across a...
  9. Nice object Dragan I wounder if you could see...

    Nice object Dragan I wounder if you could see with a O III filter the gas being striped from the galaxy?

    I will give it a go.
  10. Replies

    Looks like a beautiful place .

    Looks like a beautiful place .
  11. Thread: ABELL 851

    by Jimi Lowrey

    ABELL 851

    In the June Sky & Telescope Going Deep article By Dave Tosteson he mentioned his observation of Abell 851 galaxy cluster. He also started that Abell 851 is the most distant Abell galaxy cluster with...
  12. Replies

    Gottlieb’s Circle

    Gottlieb’s Circle
    18 17 32
    +42 10 33
    LEDA 2193753 Gx in center
    I bet you are saying what the heck is “Gottliebs” circle. Last May Steve Gottlieb and I were observing together...
  13. Fantastic report Keith! NGC 4449 is one...

    Fantastic report Keith! NGC 4449 is one interesting galaxy. Lots to see!

    Are you and Larry coming out to Fort Davis this year?
  14. Replies

    For me the part I could see and only a small...

    For me the part I could see and only a small percent of the time as it would pop in and out is the purple color in figure 12 of the paper. There was no structure just a smuts that would come and go.
  15. Replies

    I hope to try for the central star in the near...

    I hope to try for the central star in the near future. I will report back my results.
  16. Replies

    TBG-1 New PNe Observation


    Central Star
    RA 07 58 20
    Dec +66 45 58

    Uwe and Frank from Germany were here at my house for the eclipse and the night before the eclipse we were observing with the 48” at my...
  17. Replies

    I vote for Coil-binding also.

    I vote for Coil-binding also.
  18. Deep image of the twisted dust in NGC4753 by...

    Deep image of the twisted dust in NGC4753 by Gemini South telescope.

  19. Uwe great suggestion NGC 2146 is one of my...

    Uwe great suggestion NGC 2146 is one of my favorite galaxies. I like the nickname “Dusty Hand Galaxy”
  20. I had forgotten that you and I discussed NGC 4753...

    I had forgotten that you and I discussed NGC 4753 with Steve Odewahn and he called it the evil galaxy. I remember him saying it was a most unusual type of galaxy and was of much interest to his...
  21. Object of The Week March 17, 2024-NGC 4753 “Who Scribbled on my Galaxy”

    NGC 4753
    RA 12 52 21
    Dec -01 11 58
    Type S0 Pec
    Mag 10
    The quote “Who Scribbled on my Galaxy” Came from the late Deep Sky imager Rick Johnson. This is what he said when he was...
  22. I recognize the 8 ZW 222 number now that you...

    I recognize the 8 ZW 222 number now that you mentioned it Thanks Steve.
  23. Object of the Week Dec 24,2023-UGC 8091 a Holiday Globe of Stars

    UGC 8091
    RA 12 58 39
    Dec +14 13 09
    Mag V 14.3
    Type Dwarf Irregular

    I am traveling for the Holidays so forgive my brief post.
  24. This is a SDSS image of the pair 5235

    This is a SDSS image of the pair

  25. Object of the week October 1, 2023–IC 1756 and IC 1757 A chance alignment

    IC 1757
    RA 01 57 11
    Dec -00 28 25
    MAG 15.7
    Type E
    Z= 0.080

    IC 1756
    Mag 15.3
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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