
Type: Posts; User: obrazell; Keyword(s):

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  1. Object of the Week, August 18th, 2024 - NGC 6765

    For this OOTW I am choosing the other NGC planetary nebula in Lyra in NGC 6765.
    I am surprised that it has not been included as an OOTW before. NGC 6765 was first
    discovered by Albert Marth using...
  2. You are correct that these nebulae were...

    You are correct that these nebulae were discovered by Annie Cannon from objective prism surveys with the 24" in Peru. They were published (in the case of Cn 2-1) in a paper by Harlow Shapley in the...
  3. Replies

    Object of the Week May26th, 2024 - NGC 5466

    NGC 5466

    Globular Cluster


    R.A. 14h05m27.0s

    Dec. +28°32'06" (2000)
  4. I thought that the name Bode's galaxy referred to...

    I thought that the name Bode's galaxy referred to M81?
  5. Replies

    Alvin you could add the Miles Paul's atlas is now...

    Alvin you could add the Miles Paul's atlas is now freely downloadable from the Webb Society website.
  6. Object of the Week March 3rd 2024 - Palomar 4

    Palomar 4

    Gcl 17

    Globular Cluster


    R.A. 11h29m16.0s
  7. Replies

    Actually it was covered in 2017 by Rolando

    Actually it was covered in 2017 by Rolando
  8. Replies

    Object of the week 10th December 2023 - M79


    NGC 1904 Melotte 34


    R.A. 05h24m11.0s

    Dec. -24°31'30" (2000)
  9. We still have copies in the Webb Soc of this...

    We still have copies in the Webb Soc of this volume for sale :-)
  10. HASH has it as an ionised remnant of the ISM

    HASH has it as an ionised remnant of the ISM
  11. Object of the Week September 17th 2023 - Palomar 11

    Palomar 11

    Gcl 114

    Globular Cluster


    R.A. 19h45m14.0s
  12. Tom Polakis wrote an article in the old Deep Sky...

    Tom Polakis wrote an article in the old Deep Sky magazone about these and his observations with a 13" (I tihnk) I am sure you will have seen more with your 5" though. Will try and find the reference....
  13. Object of the Week 25th June 2023 - NGC 5897

    NGC 5897

    GCL 33, H VI-8

    Globular Cluster


    R.A. 15h17m24.0s
  14. Object of the Week April 2nd 2023 - NGC 3090

    NGC 3090

    MCG 0-26-5, Z 8-16, PGC 28945

    Constellation Sextans


    R.A. 10h00m30.3s
  15. Replies

    If your interest is in the RC3 then I suggest you...

    If your interest is in the RC3 then I suggest you look at Harold Corwin's updated version at rather than the HEARSAC one.
  16. Object of the Week January 8th, 2023 - Abell 8

    Abell 8

    PN G167.0-00.9

    Planetary Nebula


    R.A. 05h06m38.4s
  17. Object of the week 16th October 2022 - NGC 7679 - Arp 216

    NGC 7679
    Arp 216
    VV 329

    Class SB0 pec


    R.A. 23h28m46.7s
  18. I see that some sources refer to this object as...

    I see that some sources refer to this object as NGC 153 as Lewis Swift also found it but his positions were not good so Dreyer did not pick up it is the same object as NGC 151.
  19. Replies

    Object of the Week July 24th, 2022 - IC4634

    IC 4634

    ESO 587-1

    Planetary nebula


    R.A. 17h01m33.6s
  20. It does have the VV designation 1875 in the...

    It does have the VV designation 1875 in the extended VV catalogue
  21. Probably worth noting Paul also covered this...

    Probably worth noting Paul also covered this object in 2019
  22. Object of the Week May 1st 2022 - Minkowski 4-17

    M 4-17

    PN G079.6+05.8

    Planetary Nebula

    Constellation: Cygnus

    R.A. 20h09m01.9s
  23. Howard I think the declination is -06 not +06 for...

    Howard I think the declination is -06 not +06 for this object.
  24. Object of the Week February 6th 2022 - NGC 2242

    NGC 2242

    Other Names PN G170.3+15.8

    Planetary Nebula

    Constellation Auriga

    RA: 06h 34.127m
  25. I am sure Steve will chip in but Wolfgang has...

    I am sure Steve will chip in but Wolfgang has William Herschel discovering it on the 15th Jan 1788. I can check his massive tome on this for further information.
Results 1 to 25 of 187
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