
Type: Posts; User: Uwe Glahn; Keyword(s):

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  1. I finally got two shot on the little guy. My...

    I finally got two shot on the little guy.

    My first try was under good transparency and very good seeing here on my general observing site at the Alpine foothills.
    I wrote: with high...
  2. Great write-up Scott. Although I'm not...

    Great write-up Scott. Although I'm not knowledgeable enough to understand the fully physical aspect, it's an interesting story behind the unusual star.

    I only can contribute a little observing...
  3. Replies

    Tried it several times but I only could pick up...

    Tried it several times but I only could pick up the very first beginnings from the main body. It looks like a hood and spans around 1'-1.5'. Along the NW side it reaches to a 16mag star. I never saw...
  4. I have a graphically result from Namibia from...

    I have a graphically result from Namibia from where the galaxy stands high in the sky.

    sketch: 24", 300x, NELM 7m5+, Seeing III
  5. Thread: HaTr 10

    by Uwe Glahn

    Good to know that HaTr 10 is doable. Thanks for...

    Good to know that HaTr 10 is doable. Thanks for the report Keith. I had a negative observation of the PN back in 2021 under good but not perfect conditions.

    For NGC 6749 a had a positive...
  6. Wow Jimi, truly visual giants in one picture. ...

    Wow Jimi, truly visual giants in one picture.

    It was an honour to meet Barbara in person during the TSP 2013 and observe some things together.

    And you bring up the object when we together...
  7. Interesting story behind this object. Does not...

    Interesting story behind this object. Does not know, that this is such an unique PN with a special CS.
    I got three different observations with larger aperture. My rough notes says:

    16", 360x,...
  8. Replies

    My notes says: 27", 293x-419x, NELM 6m5+ - showy...

    My notes says: 27", 293x-419x, NELM 6m5+ - showy object; bright, somewhat elongated core; fainter halo with indicated spiral arms which are difficult to resolve; some stars within and at the border...
  9. That is a nice pair Steve. Thanks for the cool...

    That is a nice pair Steve. Thanks for the cool write-up, I have to revisit the pair with larger aperture.

    I visited the pair 15 years ago from Namibia and with 17-inch, the largest available...
  10. Thanks Scott and Steve for your response. You...

    Thanks Scott and Steve for your response. You showed, that this thing is doable, even from the US.

    I'm aware of the southern declination but was hoping that the forum consist also from observer...
  11. Object of the Week, July 14, 2024 - IRAS 17150-3224 the "Cotton Candy Nebula"

    IRAS 17150-3224 "Cotton Candy Nebula" (PN G353.8+02.9, RAFGL 6815S, GLMP 540)

    = Protoplanetary Nebula (Post AGB-star)

    RA: 17h 18m 19.8s
    DEC: -32° 27' 21.5"
    Vmag: 14.3
    - 6,6"x2,4"...
  12. I just figure out, that I never visited this...

    I just figure out, that I never visited this impressive pair wit larger aperture. It must be an stunning view through your new 28" Akarsh. Congrats to the new telescope, the observation and the grand...
  13. Nice duo Paul. I can contribute an observation...

    Nice duo Paul.

    I can contribute an observation made in the Morocco desert with 16-inch.

    sketch: 16", 183x-261x, NELM 7m0+, Seeing III
  14. I can contribute a sketch through the 27-inch....

    I can contribute a sketch through the 27-inch. Under soso transparency but good seeing some structures could be resolved but not tidal streamers were visible.

    sketch: 27" 586x, NELM 6m5+, Seeing...
  15. Google found three more entries Mark :) sketch...

    Google found three more entries Mark :)

    sketch Cn 3-1: 27", 837x, no filter, Seeing II, NELM 7m0+ (Edelweißspitze, Austria)

    sketch CN 1-5: 28", 843x, [OIII], Seeing II-III, NELM...
  16. Nice choice Dragan. I add my sketch with my...

    Nice choice Dragan.

    I add my sketch with my 27-inch below.

    27", 419x, NELM 6m5+, Seeing II-III
  17. Replies

    Did you know my homepage and the English written...

    Did you know my homepage and the English written Abell project?

    To make it short. I could see a glimpse of Abell 5 but no any sign of Abell 9.

    To make it more detailed:
    Abell 5
    16", 100x,...
  18. I copy my observing notes from my Abell project...

    I copy my observing notes from my Abell project.

    8", 47x, [OIII], NELM 6m5+
    nothing visible without filter; with [OIII] filter easy and direct vision glow around bright central star; north and...
  19. Replies

    I add my sketch of TBG-1 48", 195x, NPB, NELM...

    I add my sketch of TBG-1

    48", 195x, NPB, NELM 7m0+
  20. Object of the Week, April 21, 2024 - NGC 5084

    NGC 5084 (ESO 576- G 033, MCG -04-32-004)

    RA: 13h 20m 17s
    DEC: -21° 49' 39"
    Size: 9.3' x 1.7' (up to ~16' length for the outermost regions)
    Mag: 10.5v

    Today's OOTW brings us in the southern...
  21. Nice gem Paul, Frank and I were at the...

    Nice gem Paul,

    Frank and I were at the observatory when you visited NGC 3445.

    I also found an observation and sketch with my 27". For the PGC I took a look at my notes and find: "stellarlike,...
  22. Replies

    Hi Robin, like Jimi already said we saw the...

    Hi Robin,

    like Jimi already said we saw the [OIII] parts like in Fig. 4, around 2'x3'. The red structure in the middle was not visible.

    Important note I forgot. I also tried the PN with my 27"...
  23. Replies

    Hi Jimi, thanks to write up the first sighting...

    Hi Jimi,

    thanks to write up the first sighting of the new discovered PN. I just had contact with one of the discoverer (Peter Riepe). He was amazed about our observation. He spoke about 25...
  24. Hi Akarsh, nice write up and great OOTW. ...

    Hi Akarsh,

    nice write up and great OOTW.

    Last time I visited NGC 5139 was only a few day ago, you know from where. In Jimi's 48" we looked at the glob with around 287x and we were IN. With bad...
  25. My last sketching approach with similar aperture...

    My last sketching approach with similar aperture was only under average seeing conditions and dark but no super transparent skies. Especially in comparison to your result Howard it looks like I catch...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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