I see a profound difference when gaining a full magnitude on a scope.
That's the jump from 8" to 12.5", or the jump from 12.5" to 20", or the jump from 16" to 25".
Anything less, and I'm not impressed with how different the view is compared to how much extra trouble it is to transport and use the scope.
In pristine skies, I estimate somewhere in the vicinity of 50,000 objects might be detectable in a 16" scope.
You're at 1600, so you have a LONG way to go.
I only have 12.5" but my log has well over 11,000 objects in it.
I don't think you need a larger scope, you just need to spend more time observing.

That doesn't mean a larger scope might not be nice, but you are pretty close to the maximum size for no-ladder observing.
A 20" f/3.6 would be the same height, but many times the cost.
And a 25" would require some serious consideration ($$$) for transportation.