Perhaps one of the most overlooked (or better forgotten) Messier Galaxy, very good reminder Dragan.

Like Ivan mentioned I also tend to speak about three rings.

And to my experience the visibility of all three rings are extremely dependently of the used aperture. I think not only about the pure visibility but the merging of details because of the smaller aperture.

For my former 14.5-inch the inner ring was clearly and easily visible as a closed ring which was bright and obvious. The second ring of the outer spiral arms was only visible as a segmented faint glow and was not closed to a ring. The third ring of the outer halo was not visible.

14.5", 202x-283x, NELM 6m5+, seeing II

The picture changed with more aperture. With my 27-inch the inner ring was also visible as a closed ring but decomposes more like a segmented spiral arm detail without connections to the inner core. The second ring is visible as a closed ring with brighter sections. The third ring I remember as a very faint glow around the galaxy itself. It was difficult to separate it as a lonely ring. It seems more like a halo glow of a PN.