Hi All,

I would like to ask you a question*: what are, for you, the top five for the galaxies of the northern hemisphere*?
Take into account that I've not said the most luminous, or the most impressive, or the biggest, etc. Because I think that your top five will depend on the diameter of your scope.

In that post, I propose the five ones which I've decided to include in my top five*; four of them have been sketched with a 25'' dobson, and one through a 48'' big scope.
I think there will be no discussion to choose M 31, and M 51. For the three last ones, I chose M 33 and M 101 because they reveal a lot of starlike star clusters and/or HII regions, and NGC 4565 because, in my mind, it is a pure beauty.

I'm sure many of you will not agree this choice, and ask why not M 104, or M 106, or NGC 2963, and so on ?
As for the OOWs, let us know*!

Clear skies

M 51 T635 BL 2015 16 17.jpg

Details here: http://www.deepsky-drawings.com/m-05...alo/dsdlang/en

M 31 T635 BL 2016 11 30.jpg

Details: http://www.deepsky-drawings.com/m-031/dsdlang/en

M 33 T635 BL 2017 10 16.jpg


M 101 T635 BL 2013 02 13 à 16.jpg

Details: http://www.deepsky-drawings.com/m-101-t635/dsdlang/en

NGC 4565 TOHP1200 BL+ OHP.jpg

Details: http://www.deepsky-drawings.com/ngc-...20m/dsdlang/en