In my experience Abell 36 belongs to the more easy Pn of the Abell catalog and is a great chance to get started in the Abell world - so nice choice Owen.
Problem could be the southern Declination of around -20°DEC, especially for the people in GB or Northern Europe. I observe from around 48°N, so the high is no problem at all.

I copy my descriptions of my Abell observing project below.

8", 47x-80x, [OIII], NELM 6m5+
nothing visible without filter; with [OIII] a 1:2 N-S elongated glow could be seen; can hold glow steadily with averted vision; bright CS; with 80x the S part looks a little bit brighter

16", 51x-100x, [OIII], NELM 6m0+
easy Abell PN, can hold it with direct vision, with max. AP 2:3 N-S elongated disk around 11,8mag CS, with AP 4mm southern part much brighter

16", 75x, [OIII], NELM 6m5+
easy, can already see the PN without filter, 2:3 E-W elongated PN, disk is shifted to the S side, flatly N side, S of the CS faint dark hole, the brightest part at the W side, very faint outer parts at the NW