Hi All,

Apologies for posting Andromeda's parachute and this post in a couple of days, which can be disturbing when looking for one of these both.

Here is my sketch of the field of M 46, with my 25" . PN and PPN have been observed at 520x, in average conditions: SQML 21.4, S 2.0", NELM +/- 7.0v at zenith.
NGC 2438: I saw four stars on and inside the PN.
Calabash has been seen with very difficulties, and only the "stem" of the PPN, not the "belly".

Here are my reports:
for NGC 2438: http://www.deepsky-drawings.com/ngc-...635/dsdlang/fr
for the Calabash: http://www.deepsky-drawings.com/oh-231-8-4-2/dsdlang/fr

Clear skies
