NGC 2633 from last March through Jimi's 48-inch:

Excellent, fairly large, two-armed barred spiral! The central part of the galaxy consists of a very prominent bar oriented ~3:1 NNW-SSE, with a very bright core. A striking spiral arm is attached at the south end of the bar. It bends sharply clockwise and extends north, on the east side of bar, arcing gently with a length of ~1.5'. This arm has a well defined inner and outer edge and is separated from the bar by a dark gap. As the arm extends north it dims slightly, but at the northern end bends sharply west [1.0' N of center] and noticeably brightens in an elongated piece [consisting of multiple HII regions on images]. At the north end of the bar a second arm emerges towards the west and starts to curl south, but fades and dims, reaching no further south than the center of the bar.