Just pulled both of my mirrors to ship to Carl Zambuto for testing, thinning (from 2" to 1.6"), refigure and recoating. My big guy's going to be down for "up to eight weeks". And am assuming those eight weeks don't include the time needed to ship those mirrors around. So in reality, am thinking up to twelve weeks.

Ouch... This is going to hurt... The good news is this is happening AFTER an epic TSP run last month.

So my scope for the next three months (or more) is going to be an Antares 6" f/6.5 Achromat Refractor.

My question to you fine folks is what am I going to go after.

I usually use this scope for rich field observing from Cherry Springs after I get worn out going after my normal faint stuff earlier in the evening. I've been going after Hicksons and Flat Galaxies. But am sure I'm going to want shift focus to something a bit brighter. My initial thought is bear down on the Herschel 400. I have been half-heartedly working on that for a couple of years now.

Any suggestions out there?