With the recent (probably last for the year) trip to my 4800 ft, Bortle 2.5 site, I have finished my survey of all objects from the Arp atlas of peculiar galaxies. I started to work on the list systematically in 2017, when I had only about 70 objects seen during my previous exploits. In the beginning, it was done with my old 16", and later with either the club observatory's or, mostly, my own transportable 20. There was no object that completely eluded me in the 16, although later I encountered a few that needed all that I could through at them with the 20 under my darkest skies. For the most part, just detecting the objects was not the goal - I wanted to see structural features, even if they were not always the ones that earned these galaxies their place in the Arp atlas. Below are a few sketches from my recent outing (20", 360x, SQM 21.7). Do we have any other observers here who have either completed the list or are pursuing it?

Arp 164 (NGC 455, Psc)

Arp 121 (MCG-1-3-51/52, Cet)

Arp 100 (IC 18-19, Cet)