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Thread: Object of the Week - December 13th, 2020 M76

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    United Kingdom

    Object of the Week - December 13th, 2020 M76


    NGC 650-51, Little Dumbbell, PN G130.9-10.5, PK 130-10.1, ARO 2, H I-193

    R.A. 01h42m19.7s

    Dec. +51°34'35" (2000)

    Magnitude: 10.10

    Size: 2.7'

    Mag CS 15.9


    It has been a bit of a surprise that M76 has not yet been covered as an OOTW. Although it is bright
    it does offer a range of features for small to large telescopes. As it is a fine object from almost all
    types of observing site, particularly with the use of a nebula filter, I thought it was time to rectify
    this omission. M76 was first discovered as a hazy patch by Pierre Mechain in 1780 and, after receiving
    Mechain’s note, by Messier himself who thought that he could resolve it into stars before adding it
    into his catalogue. William Herschel on observing it with his 18.7” 20ft telescope in 1787 saw two
    nebulae almost touching, hence the fact that it has two NGC numbers in NGC 650 and 651 for the
    northern and southern lobes. It was Heber Curtis who recognised it to be a planetary nebula in 1918,
    although this maybe controversial as Isaac Roberts was inclined to think it may have been one after
    his photographs of it in 1891 when he thought it might be similar to the Ring Nebula. Classically M76
    is thought to be a typical butterfly type planetary nebula with a main ring and broad bipolar extensions.
    The central star is amongst the hottest known with a suggested temperature of around 204000K,
    although this appears to have a significant range depending on how it is calculated. Deep images
    show an extended halo which is probably the shells of material thrown off by the star as it went
    through the AGB stage,
    This halo is also starting to show signs of interactions with the local ISM as there seems to be a
    bow shock in the direction of travel of the central star. The distance to M76 is somewhat uncertain
    but is thought to be about 2500 light years. If so the nebula is about 1.2 light years across. The
    central star is about 16th magnitude.


    M76 - HST

    Visually M76 has often been thought of as one of the more difficult Messier objects to find, although
    I am sure that there will be observations with binoculars, although these will be difficult on account
    of its small size. Through a small telescope what is mostly seen is the main bar as seen by Messier.
    Larger telescopes will show both the two sperate sections of the main bar but also with the addition
    of a nebula filter the outer lobes as well, which is why the nebula makes an interesting challenge for
    all sizes of optical equipment. My favourite observations of it were with a 55cm (22”) telescope u
    sing the new TeleVue Bandmate 2 Nebustar (UHC) filter which showed the external lobes well, even
    though the object was not that high at the time and the observation was made from close to sea level
    under the usual 80% humidity skies of the UK. It appears however that the handles are not equally bright.

    As always,

    “Give it a go and let us know! Goodluck and great viewing!”
    22" Obsession UC
    15" Obsession UC
    Takahashi Mewlon 210
    TMB 130 LW

  2. #2
    Member Raul Leon's Avatar
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    Tampa Florida
    Hi, here are my observations from 12/10/2020 ; Messier 76 planetary nebula aka Little Dumbell in Perseus ; magnitude:10.10 ; size:2.7' x 1.8' ; elongated and fairly bright, this object has two brigter nodules that are elongated surrounded by a faint outer shell, that is seen the much easier using a DGM filter. Mottling is observed throughout the interior of object, a fairly dim star is connected to the southern edge of the planetary. This object takes magnification well. I used a 6mm Ethos at 264x with a DGM narrow pass band filter with my 14.5 Starstructure Dob f/4.3 M 76.jpg
    Raul Leon
    14.5 Starstructure Dobsonian f/4.3

  3. #3
    Member kisspeter's Avatar
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    Kerepes, Hungary
    I can contribute a 16" observation from 2017 (176-220x). I really like M 76. It is bright and full of details. Though the Canadian forest fires hindered the observation a bit. At the end of August 2017 the weather in the North Atlantic was such that the smoke got even to central Europe.

    Peter Kiss

  4. #4
    I All,

    Here is one old drawing with my LX200 10", and two newer ones with my 25" Obsession.
    Report here:

    Clear skies

    M 76 T254 BL 1998 10 23.jpg

    M 76 T635 BL 2009 12 09.jpg

    M 76 T635 BL 2014 11 19.jpg

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    M 76 is always worth a visit Owen.

    My smallest aperture for this guy is a 8x30 binocular. I visited M 76 three times with one doubtful observation and two clear positive sightings. Very difficult but doable.

    Under rural skies I tried to show the nice filter reaction at this object.
    sketch: 16", 225x-360x, [OIII], NELM 6m0+

    Under much better transparency but poor seeing I tried to collect as much details as I could see with larger aperture
    sketch: 27", 172x-419x, [OIII], NELM 7m0+, Seeing III
    Clear Skies, uwe

    27" f/4,2

  6. #6
    Member Howard B's Avatar
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    Scappoose, Oregon USA
    I think M76 is a great object not only because of its cool shape but also because it responds to filters so well. My latest observation is from September 2019 with the 28-inch from my backyard:

    "Quite the sight, especially considering this is from my backyard! The NPB and OIII filters brought out the two side loops, but this may be my first glance of the central star - steady seeing and 695x gave me several good pops. M76 is a wonderful sight and I can't decide whether I like the NPB or OIII filter (view) best. Slightly more detail with the OIII but a more natural view with the NPB. 253x, 408x and 695x, 20.38 SQM"

    M76.JPG M76_cropinvert.jpg

    I've seen about the same level of detail without a filter from a dark site, but oddly I don't seem to have observed it with filters then!
    Last edited by Howard B; December 18th, 2020 at 03:39 AM.
    30-inch f/2.7 alt-az Newtonian
    Contributing Editor, Sky & Telescope magazine

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    I observed M76 in 2016 with my 14 Dobson at 290x, SQM-L 21.70: Already recognizable as a bright little dumbbell at 65x. Very bright, so that it can be magnified up to 290x without problems. With OIII the "ears become visible". To the north-west shows a brighter spot in the extensions of the ears. Slightly offset further darker. Opposite, at a short distance, roughly in the middle, another brighter spot can be observed. The lighter, central parts of the nebula are dumbbell-shaped arranged at right angles. Southwestern part - at the ends - offset with knots. OIII filter used.



  8. #8
    Member Don Pensack's Avatar
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    Los Angeles
    It resembles a bar magnet under a piece of paper, with iron filings sprinkled on the paper
    Makes me wonder if magnetic fields influenced the shape.
    Don Pensack
    Los Angeles

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