Martijn, Norman and Peter,

thanks for your nice words.

Martijn, although the Maya Nebula is the second brightest glow of all Pleiades Nebula, it was not easy to see because of the small size (with 14x) but it leak out in northern direction within a rich star field, which looks nebulous at all. In the sketch, the Maya Nebula is turns out a little bit to bright. In your 16-inch the nebulas should be much less a problem, when the transparency is good enough - see my past try with 16-inch.

Norman, the main goal were the background nebula and not the stars at all. But to redraw the stars in the fine sketch was the harder work. I don't look at a watch but I guess I needed around 1-1.5h to sketch all the stars in the fine sketch (format A4). But of course there are always things to improve, also for me after nearly 30 years of sketching experience. To see other observers with technical better sketches is a motivation to get better.

Peter, you are right, it could only be an approach to represent the visual impression. Maybe it is possible to work with intensities (different greyscales) with all stars instead of the size of the stars. But this means a very work-intensive digital rework of every single star. Maybe I will test it in a sketch with muss less stars.