I have been making organized plans for general observing. Sorted by constellation because I am influenced by Burnham?s Celestial Handbook and Night Sky Observers Guide.

For any constellation:
1. Bayer and Flamsteed stars (From Wikipedia Lists of stars by constellation)
2. Stars formerly belonging to an adjacent constellation from the same lists
3. Unusual stars : close systems like Barnards Star, Wolf-Rayet, and white dwarf >15th mag
4. Classic Variables R-Z, plus a selection of brighter type M variables
5. Reddest stars down to mag 10/11, and B-V >2.5 from Sky Tools 3. The search criteria varies to keep the list at a manageable number, say 20-30 targets at most.
6. Open and Globular clusters
7. Bright Emission Nebulae - list checked against Interstellarum atlas for visibility prediction
8. Planetary Nebulae - visibility prediction checked in Aladin Lite.
9. Galaxies & Gx clusters to 13th magnitude and Quasars to 15th mag in SkyTools 3

The idea is not to observe the same things repeatedly. Items 1-5 can be done when the moon is up.

For doubles, asterisms, galaxies fainter than cutoff and other things not listed , these are logged as found.

Mainly observing in suburbia with modest aperture.