An observation in February 2018 from dark (and cold! -10C) northern Germany. 14" SCT @ 168x / 29':

All four galaxies are visible, a beautiful group.
A - NGC3190 is elongated NW-SE and is suddenly brighter in a core that is slightly elongated in the same direction with a bright nucleus that is visible without AV. Has somewhat irregular structure and is flattened on the south side on a line from SE to NW; that will be due to the dark lane in the galaxy but the lane can not be discerned. To the NW is D - NGC3187, to the NE is B - NGC3193, 1/3 FoV to the SSW is C - NGC3185.
B - NGC3193 is a round glow, suddenly brighter in a round core with a bright nucleus that is visible without AV. To the NNW is a mag. 9 star (SAO81279).
C - NGC3185 is a NW-SE elongated glow, quite suddenly brighter in a core that is slightly elongated in the same direction, with AV the extremely faint nucleus is at the limit of visibility. To the SW is a mag. 15 star.
D - NGC3187 is an extremely faint, NE-SW elongated glow, even in brightness, no detail visible and difficult to observe without AV.

I rated the group 7/10.

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