I listed two observations from Namibia under exceptional good conditions. In the second description I listed the observation of the halo, or better the brighter fragments, Steve already mentioned.

24", 960x, no filter, NELM 7m5+, Seeing II (Hakos/Namibia)
small PN; looks round at the first view but a inner 1:2 elongated, not fully closed oval shell pops out with concentrated observation; no CS visible; good [OIII] reaction


28", 260x, [OIII], NELM 7m5+ (Gamsberg/Namibia)
PN core surrounded and attached by an direct visible 1:2 shell; brightest filamentary halo fragment 1' E of the core, steadily visible with averted vision as an 1:2 E-W glow, visible from 184x-447x, best magnification 260x + [OIII] filter; two other smaller fragments 2' SW, each visible with averted vision for seconds as laminar glows
