Please forgive me if I've posted this here before, but I have compiled a list of 500 bright and interesting Deep Sky Objects, all of which can be viewed in 6-8" in pristine skies, or larger scopes in brighter skies.
If you would like a copy, send me an email at and I will send it to you in return email.
This list has a few challenges, so it is not only the very brightest objects.
It is a northern sky list--I cut it off at -40 degrees.
It contains every "popular" or "common" name for each object that I could find, as well as distance.

This list took two years to compile--it started as an excerpt from my much larger log and then got significantly whittled down as I reobserved each object.

This would make an excellent "star party" list for those with scopes of 16" and up, and a decent basic observation list for those with 6-12".