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Thread: Nebraska Star Party

  1. #1
    Administrator/Co-Founder Dragan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicago, Il

    Nebraska Star Party

    Anyone from DSF attending this year? Due to work/schedule constraints, I'll only be there for a few nights. I'll be set up on Dob Row from Friday the 30th thru Monday the 2nd. Black and Gray trailer with Illinois plates.

    If you're attending these same dates, please stop by and say hello!
    Clear Dark Skies,
    Dragan Nikin
    25" f/5 Obsession #610 "Toto"
    30" f/4.5 OMI EVO #1 "Tycho"

  2. #2
    Member Don Pensack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Los Angeles
    With the CDC now saying that the Delta variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is as communicable as chicken pox, this could be a "super spreader" event.
    The Oregon Star Party is cancelled. I'm surprised the Nebraska Star Party is not.
    Don Pensack
    Los Angeles

  3. #3
    Administrator/Co-Founder Dragan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicago, Il
    It's outdoors. It'll be fine. I, for one, am glad they didn't cancel. But this isn't the time nor forum for such discussions.

    And for the record, OSP was canceled for fire hazards. Not the virus.
    Clear Dark Skies,
    Dragan Nikin
    25" f/5 Obsession #610 "Toto"
    30" f/4.5 OMI EVO #1 "Tycho"

  4. #4
    Administrator/Co-Founder Dragan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicago, Il
    Unfortunately, I was only at NSP for 4 nights - 2 of which were before the official start on Sunday. Here are a few pics from my time there.

    Don't let the sunset shots fool you. Although we had smoke from the wildfires out west, skies cooperated much better than anyone had thought. The 2nd night had consistent SQM of 21.85 to 21.9 with a transparency 3/5 and seeing 4/5. No one thought they'd be as good as they were. Last night, my last night, proved too windy to do much of anything other than socialize.

    Either way, it turned out to be a great trip! Just wish I was able to stay longer! It's crazy to think that my first NSP was 1999 - 22 years ago! It was so good to see so many old friends.






    Clear Dark Skies,
    Dragan Nikin
    25" f/5 Obsession #610 "Toto"
    30" f/4.5 OMI EVO #1 "Tycho"

  5. #5
    Member Bill Weir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Metchosin, B.C. Canada (very southern tip of Vancouver Island
    It’s nice that someone was able to get to a star party. Right now I should be at this one. It’s right in the middle of extreme fire risk. Can’t really have a bunch of people at the top of a mountain with a single 20km long bad road as the only escape route. A few years back they had to evacuate the party as a fire worked its way up the mountain.

    Then today I see the one I was to go to in Sept was also cancelled. Even weirder reason for this one going down. I hope they manage to get the site back as it’s very dark and very accessible.

    Luckily the weather here on the west coast has been good with no smoke so I’ve been able to go to my reasonably dark (SQM 21.3) location down the road. Today smoke has arrived as there’s a fire on the island.

    f/3.3 20" Super FX-Q Starmaster

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