Steve Gottlieb brought this object to our attention when we were observing on Jimi's 48" recently. A paper that led to it's Hubble Image, with William Keel as the PI (, calls this system an "overlap". It's interesting that the two PGC galaxies might be interacting, which puts a potentially different spin on this.

Through Jimi's telescope, we were able to see an edge-on with an overlapping star and 2 galaxies, one (PGC200281) much fainter than the other (PGC38217). I saw the smaller overlapping galaxy as being bigger at the eyepiece, perhaps because the dust from the bigger one rendered it lower in surface brightness, and therefore we were only seeing the core of the larger galaxy. I believe Steve had the same results at the eyepiece.

I did not look for the background galaxy SDSS J120448.91+604019.6 -- perhaps Steve, Howard or Jimi did?

Here is my sketch of the system through Jimi's 48". I would love to know what this system is.