Look for the corkscrew like structures. Even though this is not the specific area, they look very similar. Center your chart RA 5h 35'35 ' Dec -5d 21' 17" J2K with about a 15' -20' field is the area Chris and I saw the filaments. They only showed up in H-Beta. Completely invisible otherwise. We were looking at the Bok Globules down in that canyon like area we when came across them. I am starting to think the dark canyon is more a foreground area covered in non-ionized dust. If the dark material were not there it might look similar to the area in the JWT photo. Later next week the moon will not illuminate Orion as much so I will pop in the H-Beta and look again. They should show up in your 48 with moderately good conditions. Don't be afraid to hit it with some magnification.