Good afternoon,

After a wild storm here in the Netherlands with lots of lightning, the sky's cleared like never before. In this country it is in a lot of places very rare to have a view of the milkyway, let alone see it to an height of 30 degrees. That night was exceptional and I will never forget it. But here's an interesting observation. My primary telescope is an 8 inch newtonian on an HEQ-5 pro. I wanted to observe NGC6826, the blinking planetary in Cygnus. Watched it a few times before and then could only detect the central star and the nebolusity around it. But this time, it was getting better.

The magnification was around 400 and I didn't used any filters. The central star + shell were off course easily seen, but this time, there was more. I saw a central bar from one side to the other. The PN also wasn't round, but more oval. I then looked at A site were people log observations of deepsky-objects. Funny thing, I only saw one positive observation of this bar, but that was with an 20 inch telescope.

That is why I'm looking for other observations from you guys with smaller aperture then that 20 inch who saw the central bar in the Blinking Planetary as well...

Greetings from the Netherlands,