NGC 5907 - The Splinter Galaxy


Draco the Dragon
RA 15 15 53.9
DEC +56 19 38

Mag 10.3
Size 12.9'x 1.3'

Within the body of the Dragon and located approximately 1.4 Degrees to the NW of M102 lies NGC 5907, The Splinter Galaxy. 5907 is a moderately bright edge-on spiral with a definitive dust lane visible with modest aperture. This object has been faintly observed with scopes as small as a 4" but it'll take larger glass and dark skies to see the dustlane.

I've observed this galaxy many times with my 25" and the dustlane can be very pronounced. The galaxy shows well at 315x as the dustlane can be quite contrasty against the brighter galaxy and knots can start to be seen. Under moments of good seeing you can make out quite a bit of detail in dustlane. A great overall object to observe and worthy of an OOTW title!

5907.jpg 5907inverted.jpg

With this object I do bring a couple challenges...

1. What is the smallest aperture the galaxy can be observed with? How about the dust lane?

2. This is more suitable for the AINTNO list and only reserved for the largest of mirrors and darkest of skies, but has any component of NGC 5907's tidal streamers been visually observed?

Tidal streamers that are associated with 5907 have been photographed and probably arise from a past cosmic collision. These streamers are faint!! The streamers have been captured in deep images but I don't believe I've ever read about anyone picking any of it up with their eyes. (not that I really have expected too )

Here is a link to a website with more information and a great photograph. NGC 5907 Tidal page

So there you go... an impossible challenge! But with that being said, there have been many, many amazing feats accomplished by many experienced observers, so maybe this isn't as crazy as it first sounds.... we won't know until we try, right?

Thanks for reading this weeks OOTW. Remember folks, if you have an object you'd like to post as your own, please do not hesitate to contact us about getting in the queue!

But most importantly.....