This ones for you, Uwe (my deep-sky brother), since if you hadn't started the thread SNR G206.9+2.3 in Monoceros, I still wouldn't have seen that SNR in my 16-inch!

About 1 degree northeast of Delta Canis Majoris is a 11'-wide planetary nebula known as FP J0711-2531. Apparently, on HASH, it was discovered and classified as a planetary nebula, but is now considered to be more likely a supernova remnant. I'm looking forward to trying for it in my 16-inch and, like a lot of objects I seem to become aware of at the tail of the said object's observing window, am a touch upset I didn't learn of it a few month earlier.

Here is the image that (today) I first stumbled upon it. And here is Peter Goodhew's image of it, showing that an O-III filter should be of some us!

You know I'm going to have to take a shot at it after the moon leaves the evening sky...

Scott H.