Wow, next fantastic write-up Akarsh, thanks for the very informative compilation.

NGC 253 is often reviled from Mid-European observers because of its low position in the sky. But of course its a shining object from far more south.

I started with a binocular sketch, made 21 years ago from a light polluted Bortle 4 sky and 50°N. Within a 3° circle it shows as a pair together with NGC 288. With 20x the galaxy started to show some mottling, but no clear detail.

sketch: 20x125, NELM 6m0+

Later from Namibia I tried some GC's after 1983ApJ...265..166L. With 24" and 400x I could steadily see A with averted vision and B as a popping object.

From the Alps I tried the Dwarf after the thread that you refer as a galaxy 2MASX J00472496-2521253. With the 27" it was steadily visible with averted vision. Three co-observers did confirm the observation.