NGC 4753
RA 12 52 21
Dec -01 11 58
Type S0 Pec
Mag 10
The quote “Who Scribbled on my Galaxy” Came from the late Deep Sky imager Rick Johnson. This is what he said when he was processing his image of NGC 4753. I agree with him NGC 4753 is one strange looking galaxy

Rick Johnson image

NGC 4753 was found by William Herschel on Feb 22 1784 he swept up this 10th mag nebula in Virgo. So what is the cause of this unusual looking galaxy? It is thought to be caused by a merger with a much smaller dust rich galaxy over a billion years ago. The interaction twisted the main galaxy and you can see from the images that the ends of the galaxy are distorted.

I first observed this galaxy in 2000 (Wow that was 24 years ago) I was using my old 25” reflector I noted that I could see the single dust lane to the East of the galaxy and also noted that the ends looked disturbed. I can not think of any other galaxy with the appearance NGC 4753 but if you know of any other galaxies like it I would be most appreciative to hear of them.

SDSS image

I would really like to hear of your experiences with this strange “Scribbled on Galaxy” I am most interested if you are able to see the dust lanes. I also have it on my list to revisit after 24 years.


Good Luck and great observing