I always got the impression that I was one of the only one's who didn't jump on the Ethos bandwagon. I've liked my 12, 17, and 22 T4's so much, I couldn't give them up. I'm an eyeglass wearer as well, and never really appreciated the Ethos field, felt like contrast was minimally better... and T4's seemed to give a bit better relief.

That said, I've heard such good things about the Delos', I'm tempted to order a couple, possibly finally supplant some of the Naglers. I haven't had an opportunity to try them, but all the accounts sound really promising. In particular, I'm liking the idea of giving up some FOV in return for the promise of greater contrast/transmission, while retaining the eye relief I enjoyed with T4's.

I'm defiitely thinking of getting a 10 to possibly replace my venerable 9mm T1 (why don't all eyepieces have a 2" skirt?!), but for a second example to try, wondering whether I should initially go for a 14 or the 17.3 (possibly replacing one of either my 12 or 17 T4's).