Hi everybody,

This week marks the 1 year anniversary of DeepSkyForum. To help celebrate, Alvin Huey has taken it upon himself to do something for us that is simply above and beyond. Alvin has taken the entire 2012 Object of the Week list and compiled them into one of his incredible and now famous Observing Guides.

In a format no different than his own personal OG's, he's given each object a wide-field finder view, a Telrad view and a DSS image. He's then added the comments by the original poster as well as any pertinent replies. Oh, and he's made it FREE for you to download!

The download can only be found here on his website, www.faintfuzzies.com. It is located about 1/2 way down the page under the header, Deep Sky Forum Observing Guides. The file is a PDF format and is approximately 12mb in size. At 140 pages and a wealth of information, it'll make a great field guide once printed and bound.

So there you go, a nice little gift given to you by one of our own. We can't thank Alvin enough!! Please check it out and maybe even give him a little feedback. He's put some hard work into this and I'm certain he'd love to hear from you!