UGC 6 (ring galaxy with a “hook”) (00 03 09.6 +21 57 39 0.9x0.6’ 14.4b)

22” f/4 (383x) – Considerably faint glow with a slightly offset brighter core. The core is offset to the west. About 0.6’ long and PA = 90. A 14.6 mag star lies just off the NW edge. The hook detail was not detected.

It would be good if anyone saw the hook. Any successful observations, we'd like to hear it.


IC 5285 (ring galaxy) (23 06 58.7 +22 56 14 1.6x1.2’ 13.6b)

22” f/4 (230 and 383x) – Bright slightly elongated glow with stellar core. A 14.8 mag star lies just to the NW of the glow. 0.5’ long and PA = 90. The ring was not detected.

Has anyone seen the ring?
