Mark - We have run observing sessions both in the march/april/may time slots and in november and the consensus of those who attended both spreads was that you get the most observing bang for your buck in march /april.
We ran in march this year, averaging SQM 21.7 and the LMC was high enough to spend hours with it, so next year we are going from 29 march to 6 april. We can improve on 12 inch - a 30 inch Obsession clone, two 25 inch Obsessions, five Obsession 18's, a 14, 12 inch f5 binoculars and 6 inch Fujinons on a steerable star chair. All the dobs have Argo Navis, and all but the Obsession UC have Servo Cat, so your observing list can mate with those. Thanks for the charts, and take a look at O'Meara's new book. We observe 10 miles from Siding Spring Observatory.