I did observe Markarian 205 on both June 9th and 10th. I had to, as it was an object proposed by Reiner who directed me to this great forum. Well, I must admit that Markarian 205 was relatively easy in my 18" on both evenings, and especially last night which was better and darker. The ideal view was at a rather high 488X obtained with a 7mm Nagler and 2X Barlows. I could keep it in view with direct vision at both 294X and 488X but it was easier with the higher magnification. NGC 4319 appeared as a soft glow with a slightly brighter core. No sight of a bridge or a ... companion (I will probably need another 30 inches for that!). Markarian 205 is the first quasar I have logged, thanks to Reiner for a great target!
