Notes from the observation of Barnard’s Galaxy last night. Identifications are according to the Hodge Atlas of the Local Group. “H” are Hubble HII regions and “A” are Hodge star associations. “/” means spatial coincidence or close proximity.

16”. SQM 21.5. At 45x (Pentax XW40) Barnard’s Galaxy NGC 6822 is extremely large and sharply elongated. At 225x with the 8 mm Ethos the galaxy is hardly noticeable, but complexes HV/A8 and HX/A13 are immediately noticeable and completely nonstellar (~1’ each) next to two comparatively bright field stars that form the narrow S base of an equilateral triangle with a bright star on the N apex, as marked on DSS chart. A8 has a stellar core but otherwise little concentration and is the brighter; A13 has little concentration and is elongated EW. There is an indistinct glow in the position of HI/HIII. OIII filter does not enhance any of these 3 knots, although HV and HX look fine on the black background with the filter.