
After some digging I may have figured out what was going on. I just may not have a permanent fix at the moment.

At first I discovered that different attachments had different file size limits. I changed the default limits on all the different file types that DSF allows and tried uploading your original file. I was confident that I fixed it. Well, that didn't work. Your particular uploaded file definitely looked different than the original that you emailed me. Not understanding why, I looked further

It turns out that our software may have a quirk. It seems that it likes to automatically darken files with jpg, jpeg & jpe extensions. Since we deal with mostly black and white images, it's probably just gone unnoticed. Further investigation shows that GIF files do not get darkened.

I realize that your uploaded file looks as if though it was compressed. But when I converted your file to a GIF and uploaded it, it showed no artifacts that your original uploaded file does. Here is what I'm talking about:


I did not change the file size nor did I adjust your image in anyway. All I did was change the extension via Photoshop.
So until I figure out a more permanent fix, manually changing a file to GIF to help preserve its quality just may be necessary.

Now mind you, I am not schooled in vBulletin software nor computer programming so I'm doing the best I can. I'm sure someone with more experience than I can probably fix this in 4 seconds flat. Until then, I will continue to look into this and try to find a more permanent fix.

Thanks again for bringing this to our attention. Jimi and I really want DSF to be the best it can be and feedback is important!