This object seems to have two nick names from the professional papers "The Caterpillar" from the Hubble staff and I have also see it listed as "The Tadpole"in another paper.


The above image was recently released from the HST. I wounded if this YSO that was being stripped of its gas would be able to be seen in my scope? There are three components to this object the Tadpole, Goldfish(lower right in the top left Image), and Small Blob. You can see them in the image below.


IRAS 20324+4057

RA 20 34 13
DEC + 41 08 06

I tried for these objects over the last few nights and must say that they are really tough to see! The Tadpole or Caterpillar was very tough to see I could only catch it a small percentage of the time with averted vision only @ 813X. I was surprised that the Goldfish nebula by the bright star was a lot easer to see. I could see it with direct vision all the time. The "Small Blob" was not seen! I tried the usual filters NPB,OIII and H beta and got no response as I expected. I will try these objects again and if I get different results I will report what I find.