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Thread: Object of the Week May 4 2014- NGC 4631 and NGC 4627, The Whale and Pup galaxies

  1. #1
    Member RolandosCY's Avatar
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    Mosfiloti, Cyprus

    Object of the Week May 4 2014- NGC 4631 and NGC 4627, The Whale and Pup galaxies

    NGC 4631 and NGC 4627 (= Arp 281)
    Interacting Galaxy Pair
    Canes Venatici
    R.A. 12h 42.1'
    Dec +32 32'
    Magnitude NGC 4631 9.2
    Magnitude NGC 4627 12.4

    Most galaxies, when seen through telescopes, appear as fuzzy circles, ellipses, or spindles. It is very rare to have one that actually looks like an animal, but NGC 4631 in Canes Venatici does indeed look like its namesake: The “Whale galaxy”. In addition, it is accompanied by a smaller satellite galaxy that indeed looks like it is the whale’s “Pup”. And what’s more, this celestial Whale is indeed an amazing galaxy “animal”: Superbly detailed for almost any telescope, with many challenges for the keen observer, and a nice astrophysical twist to boot!

    NGC 4631 is a late type barred spiral (SBd) galaxy, with a diameter of more than 90,000 light years and a mass in excess of 50 billion suns. This galaxy is the largest in the NGC 4631 galaxy group, which includes the aforementioned NGC 4627, as well as NGC 4656/4657, the well known “Hockey Stick Galaxy” (OOTW July 21, 2013 The “Whale” lies around 22 million light years away and we see it inclined 5 degrees from edge-on. The “Pup”, NGC 4627, is a dwarf elliptical, located about 3’ north of NGC 4631. Very deep photographs show a bridge of light connecting the two galaxies, while radio astronomy has shown that there are two expanding supershells of hydrogen gas at the limps of NGC 4631. The “Whale” shape of NGC 4631 seems to be the result of tidal interactions between it and NGC 4627, but also between it and NGC 4656/4657, which is located about half a degree to the southeast in the sky (and about 300,000 light years away in space). In a 1978 article, F. Combs has outlined the possible tidal interactions between the two neighboring galaxies (, while a 1975 paper by A.J.B. Winter ( outlines the presence of a neutral hydrogen cloud between NGC 4631 and NGC 4656/4657. Thus, there is little doubt that the abnormalities observed in both galaxies can be attributed to the interactions between the two systems. The patterns of light and dust in the main bulge of NGC 4631 indicate massive and intensive star formation , which has been likely initiated by the tidal influence of NGC 4656/4657 (and to a much lesser degree by 4627). The warped edges of the spiral arms of NGC 4656/4657 also confirm these tidal interactions. In addition, there is evidence of tidal plumes to the north and south of NGC4627, which lies at an actual distance of 13,000 light years from NGC4631.


    Photo taken at Mosfiloti, Cyprus using a Takahashi FS102 refractor


    Photo by Jean Baptiste - Faure (http://jean-baptiste-faure.blogspot....-ngc_1775.html)

    Enough astrophysics, what about observing the extragalactic "Whale" and its pup? Well, they are very easy to locate about halfway between Cor Caroli (Alpha CVn) and the Coma Berenices cluster, with a very easy star hop. NGC 4631, at magnitude 9.2 is readily visible in practically any telescope, even a 60mm refractor, as a spindle of light. There are many reports of NGC 4631 actually being seen in binoculars. I have attempted this galaxy in handheld 9X63 and 15X70 binoculars but I was unable to see it, although it was readily visible as a tiny spindle in my tripod-mounted Takahashi 22X60 binos. I believe that the galaxy should be visible in 10x50s if they are tripod mounted, and should be visible in image-stabilized instruments.

    With telescopes, the view changes from impressive to magnificent to fantastic as the aperture increases! With my 4” apo, I can easily see NGC 4631 as a long spindle of light with a distinctly brighter center and some mottling around the nucleus. The mottling became more evident at high powers. NGC 4627 can be readily seen as well, despite it being magnitude 12.4, as a tiny puff of roundish light almost touching the northern edge of 4631. Of course, the best view is at medium powers which gives a field wide enough to include the Hockey Stick (NGC 4656/4657) in addition to the Whale and Pup, without sacrificing detail on either galaxy.


    Under dark skies, my 6” achromat provides significantly more detail on the center areas of NGC 4631. Hints of dark lanes became apparent with averted vision, especially at higher powers, while the “whale” shape becomes obvious, with the western edge longer and sharper, and the eastern side broader and somewhat fainter. The shape of NGC 4627 also becomes more defined as an elliptical, especially with higher magnification, and the “gap” between 4631 and 4627 is evident.

    Using an 18” dob the whole image is again transformed. A very bright core is located almost due south of NGC 4627 (which itself becomes more detailed) with a 12th magnitude field star in between. To the east and (especially) to the west of the central nuclear brightening, dark lanes, almost vertical to the plane of the spiral arms, can be seen dissecting the galaxy, while another bright patch can be seen just next to the westernmost dark lane. The whole galaxy looks like it is “boiling”, thanks to many brightenings (presumably star clouds), adding a strange 3-D effect to the extragalactic whale. I tried very hard but I failed to detect the (very faint) bridge of light connecting the Whale and Pup like an enormous umbilical cord. Stephen O Meara in his Caldwell observing guide mentions that he and Larry Mitchell did observe this light bridge with a 36” dob, so I guess it should be quite visible in Jimi Lowrey’s 48”! You should keep in mind that although NGC 4631 is quite bright and can withstand light pollution quite well, you really need dark skies to squeeze out all the “internal” details of this celestial whale.


    So, next time you are under dark skies, turn your scope to NGC 4631, and… “GIVE IT A GO AND LET US KNOW!”
    Last edited by RolandosCY; May 5th, 2014 at 06:39 AM. Reason: Grammar!
    The Darker the Better!
    18" f4.5 Obsession Classic #1934
    10" f5 Skyatcher Dob
    152mm f5.9 Teleskop Service
    Takahashi FS128
    SkyWatcher 120 f5
    Takahashi FS102
    Takahashi FSQ106N
    SkyWatcher ED80 Pro
    SkyWatcher ED72 Evostar
    Televue Naglers and Ethos

  2. #2
    Member Marko's Avatar
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    Bay Area, CA
    Great choice! These are on the must revisit list and I too enjoy the hocky stick nearby. A wonderful pair of galaxy pairs.
    I had not heard the whale's partner called 'pup' but that makes complete sense. Thanks.

    In more recent years I've done a bit of photos too so here is my shot of these pair.

    Thanks for the reminder on these great objects, I'll be visiting them for sure this year.
    Let me roam the deep skies and I'll be content.
    Mark Johnston
    18" StarMaster f/3.7
    12" Meade LightBridge f/5

  3. #3
    Member Ivan Maly's Avatar
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    Here is my sketch from this spring. 12" SCT, 125-375x, SQM 21.78.

    2014-03-31 NGC 4627 4631 finished.jpg
    20" Sky-Watcher

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Below my results with 16". The bridge sounds very interesting.

    16", 257x-360x, NELM 6m5+, Seeing II
    Clear Skies, uwe

    27" f/4,2

  5. #5
    Member Howard B's Avatar
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    Scappoose, Oregon USA
    I started a sketch of 4631 a few years ago and haven't gotten around to finishing it yet. Here it is with my notes:

    "Arp 281 / NGC 4631 is "The Whale" and even though I've seen it with more contrast I don't think I've ever seen this much detail. But then I haven't sketched it before... Lots of bright and dark areas but no obvious core to 4631 but it does have a strongly curved shape, rather like NGC 3079. The companion galaxy, NGC 4627 is rather dim with a slightly brighter core and is well defined, a great pair! 253x and 408x, 21.24 SQM"

    As always, I remain hopeful that clear skies will pay a rare springtime visit to Oregon so I can continue sketching - wish me luck!

    N4631_crop.jpg N4631_cropinvert.jpg
    30-inch f/2.7 alt-az Newtonian
    Contributing Editor, Sky & Telescope magazine

  6. #6
    Member RolandosCY's Avatar
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    Mosfiloti, Cyprus
    Interesting sketches, I have to admiy better than mine guys! This is a galaxy that indeed reveals more and more of its secrets with prolonged views on the eyepiece. Sketching it makes you really concentrate on the fine details, there is much variation in light as seen through a telescope. My sketch seems to give it a little "slimmer" shape than is apparent in photos or other people's sketches, but I guess I concentrated more on the light/dark details than in the overall shape. I unearthed an old sketch I made from a light-polluted suburban site (my previous residence) and in that sketch I got the shape much more accurately. Yet, having been made under mediocre skies, it is impressive how much less detail I saw on the galaxy...

    The Darker the Better!
    18" f4.5 Obsession Classic #1934
    10" f5 Skyatcher Dob
    152mm f5.9 Teleskop Service
    Takahashi FS128
    SkyWatcher 120 f5
    Takahashi FS102
    Takahashi FSQ106N
    SkyWatcher ED80 Pro
    SkyWatcher ED72 Evostar
    Televue Naglers and Ethos

  7. #7
    Member FaintFuzzies's Avatar
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    Hill Country Texas
    Nice object!

    My observations from about 10 years ago (copied from my book)

    NGC 4631 is a very mottled galaxy with a lot of detail. A broken up dust lane runs across the middle with knots on both sides. NGC 4627 is a bright round patch with a brighter center. The infall material between the two members was not detected.

    Below is my eyepiece rendition using a "high glass count" eyepiece
    22” f/4.1 reflector @ 255x Field: 19.3’
    Seeing: 7/10 Transparency: 7/10 NELM: 6.5

    Clear skies,
    Alvin #26
    Texas Hill Country

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