
I managed to observe the Draco dwarf galaxy yesternight from Texas Star Party. However, it seemed to be easier to notice it in a 6" Orion SkyQuest dob than in an 18" Obsession f/4.5 dob. The eyepieces used were the same on both scopes -- 20mm Pentax XW and 25mm University Optics HD Orthoscopic. I also used a 31mm Nagler on the 18" (could not do so on the 6" because it did not have a 2" barrel.)

The best view seemed to come from 6" + 20mm Pentax. Of course, there is a substantial amount of subjectivity in this entire exercise, but it looks like my Obsession dob doesn't have good contrast. I'm going to try and flock the truss poles and the like in a better manner, make a light-shield and the like... but do you folks have any comments on this? Any suggestions on how to improve the Obsession's contrast?

Or am I approaching all of this incorrectly / do I have a mental bias towards the 6"?

Clear Skies!
