I didn't pick a good enough night to see any of NGC 147's globulars a few years ago with the 28 inch scope:

"I don't think I've seen any of NGC 147's globulars. Lots of faint field stars but [the globulars] are fainter than the stars I can see tonight. 147 is much more subtle than NGC 185 (which I had just observed and seen GC-5) and its edges are more diffuse. Best at 253x, 21.25 SQM"

N147_crop.jpg N147_cropinvert.jpg

I think excellent observing conditions are needed to see these little guys, but there's no danger that will happen around here anytime soon. We've been pounded by record breaking rain the past week and it looks like it will continue past the new moon window. Ugh. I shouldn't complain though, we had a week of beautiful weather around the last full moon...